AAFAF extends application period for college student summer internship program

March 23, 2020

Students will have until April 30 to submit their applications, Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (AAFAF, in Spanish) Executive Director Omar J. Marrero said.

Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (AAFAF, in Spanish) Executive Director Omar J. Marrero said the term to apply for the AAFAF Summer Internship, which opened on Jan. 28, 2020, and has been extended through April 30, 2020, due to the mandatory temporary closing of nonessential government operations and private businesses to control the risk of infection of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

The internship—also known as the José M. Berrocal Summer Internship, after the president of the Government Development Bank (GDB) in 1991— will begin June 1 and end July 10, 2020. The call is open to college students of law, finance, economy, accounting and other related disciplines.

The AAFAF Summer Internship promotes research and professional development in the fields of finance, accounting, economy, public administration, legal affairs and other disciplines affecting public finance, including matters regarding PROMESA.

This program seeks to provide participants with the opportunity to acquire practical experience through immersion in fiscal and economic projects. Participants may attend, for example, conferences, workshops, forums on the economic and financial analysis and decision-making process in the government sphere.

The new internship aims to increase the knowledge of these youths on public debt management and restructuring, as well as PROMESA and other related areas of government administration.

The goal of the summer internship is to continue developing the best talent under the guidance of government officers and experts who lead significant, high-impact projects for the benefit of Puerto Rico.

Undergraduate and graduate students are required to have a minimum of 48 approved credits and 12 approved credits, respectively, or more. Law students must have a minimum of 24 approved credits.

Students must also have a 3.00 GPA and command of the English and Spanish languages. Ten students will be selected to take part in the internship. The program includes a monetary stipend for participants. Interested students who meet these requirements must access the application online at AAFAF’s website.


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