About Us

The Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (AAFAF, its Spanish acronym) is an independent public corporation and governmental instrumentality with separate legal existence, fiscal and administrative autonomy. Its main responsibility is to act as fiscal agent, financial advisor and reporting agent of the Government of Puerto Rico, its agencies, instrumentalities, subdivisions, public corporations and municipalities.

AAFAF is also an important liaison that facilitates collaboration and communication between the Government of Puerto Rico and the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico established by the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (“PROMESA”).

Read Act 2-2017 (AAFAF's Enabling Act)
Core Objectives
Message from the Executive Director

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Financial Documents

Explore our extensive archive of documents, reports, statements and more, detailing the progress of Puerto Rico's finances and debt restructuring.

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Administrative Documents

Through AAFAF, Puerto Rico is implementing debt restructuring measures to build investor trust and usher in a new era of economic development.

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Press Room

AAFAF is committed to providing information in the most responsible and transparent manner possible. Explore this area created for use by journalists and communications professionals.

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Investor Relations

Read the latest financial reports, statements, rating agency reports, debt management policies, and other documents relating to Puerto Rico's debt portfolio.

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About Us

AAFAF is the financial advisor and reporting entity of the Government of Puerto Rico, its agencies, instrumentalities, subdivisions, public corporations and municipalities.

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