Gov’t opens RFP to design ‘hardened and resilient’ power, telecom systems

May 18, 2023

The government is seeking providers to strengthen Puerto Rico’s telecommunications and energy infrastructures to prevent service interruptions, especially during and after natural disasters

Puerto Rico’s Office of Management and Budget (OGP, in Spanish) has issued a request for proposals (RFP) seeking qualified companies to design and implement resilient power systems and hardened infrastructure for telecommunications facilities in Puerto Rico.

The first phase of the project has $15 million available to hire companies that can provide “shovel ready” projects that can be implemented rapidly, according to the RFP. The deadline to submit proposals is June 2.

“We all know that the energy and telecommunications infrastructure in Puerto Rico face great challenges. The Government of Puerto Rico has directed several projects focused on strengthening these systems, and with this RFP, we seek to identify those proponents that can both develop and implement projects that allow us to maintain a robust and resilient infrastructure,” said Enrique Völckers-Nin, executive director of the government’s Smart Island program.

There will be subsequent phases of this initiative, and funding, for projects not yet shovel ready, the government stated.

The OMB “seeks innovative solutions that can support more resilient and redundant networks that can withstand future storms and electrical grid outages, ultimately improving the overall quality of internet connectivity of Puerto Ricans — especially in times of disaster. Also covered under this grant program is security infrastructure for key telecommunications sites,” the RFP states.

Funding for this grant program, which does not require matching funds from participating companies, will come from the Puerto Rico Broadband Program, under the agency.

The proposals must include details on the design and installation of projects that can provide uninterrupted power to telecommunications facilities, as well as their fuel storage and distribution systems with a minimum capacity of 10 days of continuous operations.

Also required are details on the implementation and operation of monitoring and control systems that can remotely monitor the performance of the power infrastructure and detect any problems before they cause service interruptions.

The proposal must also include information on the development and execution of the training for the technical personnel of the proponent on the operation and maintenance of the resilient energy infrastructure, as well as details on the design and implementation of the security infrastructure in the installation of telecommunications, among other information.

Providers must meet a series of requirements, including having a minimum of three years of incorporated status with good standing at the Puerto Rico State Department, should be registered with the Telecommunications Bureau and the Puerto Rico Innovation and Technology Services office, and participants in the Federal Communications Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program.

Projects will need to be completed within 18 months, the RFP states.

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