Omar Marrero to be Gov’t Representative Before the FOMB

March 9, 2020

Remains Aafaf chief

Omar Marrero, executive director of the Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority. Carlos Rivera Giusti

Omar Marrero will be the Puerto Rico government’s representative before the Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB), announced Gov. Wanda Vázquez.

Marrero is also the executive director of the Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (Afaaf).

“Omar Marrero has an excellent relationship with the Oversight Board and fully knows the economic situation of the government. We want the relationship with the board to be continue being one of respect and openness  in order to work for the good of Puerto Rico,” the governor said.

Besides improving the relationship with the FOMB, Marrero said his priorities include restructuring the central government’s debt and transforming the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority without affecting essential services.

Marrero replaces Elí Díaz Atienza, who resigned last month as the government’s FOMB representative and the president of the Aqueduct & Sewer Authority.


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